I think I'm so big when I have a water bottle to drink out of!!
We are a family of four now!! Check back frequently to see updated pictures of Aubrey and Asher...they change so fast!!!
I got this SMASHING outfit from my aunt Kristin and uncle Josh. I love the capri look on my chubby little legs!! Thank you!
I just LOVE black beans!! Then, I get tired while I'm eating, and I start wiping my eyes and face, and, well, you see what happens!!
I am finally able to somewhat push my popper around with out falling over!!! I had such a hard time before because I thought I could put my weight into it, but I found out that if I did that, I would fall flat on my face!!!
I like to curl up in a blanket in my mama's old rocking chair and watch Baby Einstein videos. Now I am starting to really enjoy Sesame Street, though. I particularly like Big Bird and Elmo.
You can't see my book shelf here, but I am choosing a book to read. That is what I mostly do these days, read book after book, after book, after book. I like to back up to whoever is sitting on the floor and plop down on their lap with a book of MY choice!!
I'm such a happy girl!! As you can see here, I can now run. I practice by running up and down the hallway!
Here I am, just a playing away before leaving to go to the babysitter in the morning.