Geting ready to go Easter egg hunting! I was a little scared of all the excited people, and was starting to warm up a little to the idea of hunting for eggs. I practiced several times yesterday-- and I really like it!!

Putting my eggs in my basket--see the shelf behind me-- I got all the eggs off that shelf, and no one helped me!
Look at all that loot!! Once I realized there were no more eggs left, I didn't want to leave the room, and tried to put all the eggs back on the shelf so that I could collect them again. When mom and dad finally made me leave the room- I cried! I can't wait until next Easter!!
Here I am with my friend Aubrey. Our mom's wanted us take a picture together, but I didn't want to. Directly after this picture was taken, I ran to my mom and cried. Then, Aubrey M., being the nice friend that she is, came over to me to say hi and check out my eggs. She started to touch my eggs, and I thought she was trying to steal them--- let's just say that I made sure that no one else would dare to touch my eggs again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!