Sleeping on the way to Independence, KS, to see great-aunt Bev!
My mama, me, and my 3rd cousin Alexis!
What are you talking about- what happened to the avocado? Of COURSE it's all gone!
We are a family of four now!! Check back frequently to see updated pictures of Aubrey and Asher...they change so fast!!!
As soon as I saw these lions, I started roaring. The real lions we're just laying around sleeping, and I didn't see anything interesting about them-- they were extremely boring!!
Here's dad and I taking a break looking at the zebras-- too bad you can't see the zebra!!
Here I am petting the baby elephant- can you believe the mama let me get that close to it?!
I love giraffe kisses!!! It was so neat to get to see the giraffes so close up!
The used to call my uncle Josh 'Bucket Head', because he liked to wear a bucket on his head. You can call me 'Diaper Head'!!
On Easter I found out that I love horses!! All I wanted to do all day was visit with this horse!
I like hanging out with my grandma.
Me and previously mentioned 'Bucket Head'. He's great!!
Uncle Sam showed up, so I got to spend a rare moment bonding with him.