Alicia was helping me put stickers on this particular art project. We brought home a lot of art projects--it was so much fun!!
Upon getting a bunch of stickers from the Crayola Factory and bringing them home, I decided it was a good idea to put them on my ears and face. I love to tell my mom that I want earrings, and then my favorite is the noise effect that Sarah S. taught me. She said that it hurts when you get your ears pierced, and they poke a needle into them and it goes "sssssss" (like a snake!) So I say, "I want earrings, ssssssss!" Don't worry, though, mama says I have to be quite a bit older to get them pierced. No getting it just because I asked for them!!
I have been going to gymnastics. Now I have learned all kinds of flips my mom helps me do, as well as somersaults. I'm also learning how to hop. I am very anxious to learn how to hop!!!
I really like my red car--it is one of my very favorite things to play with when I'm outside. I also like to write with side-walk chalk.
I know the background isn't the most beautiful, but this is in front of the fireplace.
I have a lot of body and 'flip' to my hair!