A couple of weekends ago we went to a birthday party at the Discovery Center for one of Aubrey's best friends. The theme was The Wizard of Oz, Aubrey's favorite!!

We turned our backs for a couple of minutes and they were covered in Wizard of Oz stickers!

Cheesing it up while eating ice cream!

Aubrey is the silent observer type while watching others open presents. This girl is ready for HER birthday....too bad she still has 2 more months to wait!!

Let loose in the Discover Center!

We're off to see the Wizard.....

Aubrey is wearing her "Glenda" tiara!

Hunter and Aubrey holding hands, as always.

Let loose in the marketplace, these girls wrecked this "market"!!!!!!!!

Having too much fun....do we have to go?

Playing in the "eye".

They could have stayed there all day.