At Asher's baby shower in November, Melanie and Sarah posing for the camera.
Melody and I, both pregnant!
Grandma, myself, and Kristin.
Posing with Nichole and Jack, and Melissa.
Grandma, mom, Aubrey and I (not to mention Asher!)

Aubrey painting Asher's onesie.

The CHOCOLATE (gasp!) cake!

Aubrey opening her big sister gift.

I had a lot of help opening presents.

Nichole, Melissa, myself, and Jen-- the SLP gang.

Glendale girls: Melody, Melanie, me, Sarah, and Jen.

Playing in the leaves!

First time in curlers-- she loved them!!

She loves having curly hair.

Aww, isn't that cute?

Aubrey's birthday party festivities.

Playing with Hunter.

Putting stickers on Kaylei and Victoria! I put stickers on everyone!!

Best friends, Hunter and Aubrey!

Hunter, Addie, and Aubrey-- great school friends!

Kendall and Aubrey love their balloons.

Kieli showing Kelsi some love.

Conner, Aubrey, and Addie playing some b-ball.

Conner and Aubrey love holding hands!

On the fire truck!!

This is the happiest she's ever looked on a fire truck-- actually not her favorite place to be!!!

Listening to the tour of the fire station.

It's almost time to sing 'Happy Birthday!'

She's 3!!! She actually had to have some help blowing out the candles!

Eating the cake!

The best group shot we got!

Opening some presents!

They are quite the hugging bunch!!! We saw a lot of hugs that day!

Getting ready to go play in the snow!!!

The REAL birthday, December 7, opening presents at home with mom and dad.

Later we went to Chuck E. Cheese.

Aubrey showing how much she loves ketchup!!!!

Christmas Eve, after church.

Getting ready to open a present-- what is it?!

New Strawberry Shortcake pajamas!!!

Getting ready for bed!!!

Getting in the last story before going to bed for Christmas.

Before we woke her up Christmas morning.

Wow!!! She gets to dress up like a princess every day!

All the loot!

Clowning around with Papa!!

More clowning around with Uncle Sam!

Her debut singing as Cinderella!

Sam is so funny, she says!!!!