I promised there would be soccer pictures, so here they are!!!! Here are the budding Mia Hamm's and David Beckams of the world. Aubrey, Hunter, and Nathaniel.

The cheesy grin reappears.

Mass chaos!!!

She's actually a pretty good goalie.

She may be good, but she also likes to play with her hair, sticker earrings, and talk to other children while she is playing goalie.

Asher getting ready for his first bath in the tub....it took forever for his umbilical cord to fall off. I was afraid I'd still be putting alcohol on that thing at the beginning of kindergarten!

Just lounging....he loves bath time!!!

Cozied up afterwards...

And looking all clean and pretty.

Our friend Carolina was born!!!


Melody's got her hands full now!!! Doesn't she look awesome for just having a baby?!

Yikes! I can't imagine having twins!!

Moving through the processional at church on Palm Sunday...she's a little intimidated, but not too bothered by it!

She didn't quite catch on that everyone else had already sat down!

Lots of children for Palm Sunday!

These two love to cozy up in the morning and watch Dora!

Decorating a easter bag before the big hunt. Notice Asher in the sling I'm wearing--he tends to get a lot of attention when he's in there!!! I highly recommend getting one of these to anyone with a newborn.....when he's fussy I just put him in there and it's like he's in the womb...he instantly calms down and goes to sleep!

Annual picture of decorating the bag.

Making a stained glass butterfly!

Dying eggs.

We're on the hunt!

With her loot!

After church on Easter Sunday.

Family picture!

What handsome guys!!!

Brian wasn't so sure about his hair in this picture, but I think Asher kind of likes having variety in his hairstyle, and I think he looks smashingly handsome!!!


Asher wasn't so crazy about this picture, he thought I was having a little too much fun with the camera. Oh, well.