Aubrey falling asleep on the floor.
Asher got baptized, here he is on the big day.

Aubrey went ice skating for the first time for Kaylei's 7th birthday party.
We celebrated our 5 year anniversary!!! Yay!

Playing outside the morning of our garage sale--- first time selling the kid's clothing.
Kelsi and Kieli came over for dinner.
Asher decided to boycott the binky, much to my disappointment. I keep shoving that thing back in, and he keeps spitting it out. The fingers are awfully cute, though. I still keep trying the binky, though!!! Poor Asher, he didn't know what he was getting into with an SLP for a mom!

Asher has learned how to blow raspberries. He is very good at it, frequently showering himself and those around him with his large spit bubbles. He loves it!!
He has also mastered the art of putting his feet in his mouth.

Aubrey is back up to her stunts in the pool, still loving it!!
Asher 'eating' Brian!!!! Aubrey hitching a ride on Papa!
Asher can get both feet at once.
Aubrey and her first cousins once removed (my cousins children), Audrey, Ellie, Kennedy, and Aubrey.
My Uncle Bernie and cousin Lisa and Asher.
More cousins once removed, children of my cousin Amy (Jillian and Evelyn).
Great-Grandma Schreiner--- Asher loved her shirts.
Great-Grandpa Schreiner.