We are a family of four now!! Check back frequently to see updated pictures of Aubrey and Asher...they change so fast!!!
My Christmas picture. I'm holding a "snowball".
I'm 2!
Nice little family picture. Wait for the next one!
He asked if we wanted to be fun, and Daddy said fun. That about explains it, doesn't it?
Me wearing mom's sweatshirt, see, too big!
Ahhh, me and daddy, reading a book.
At my birthday party opening one of my presents.
Uncle Josh is performing surgery on the baby he gave me (putting the batteries in!)
Pushing the baby in the new stroller!!
Holding up my shirt to make sure it fits!
Jenna and I looking at my new makeup set.
Here Mama, you need some lipstick.
On my actual birthday, getting ready to go to the babysitter's house for the day!
All three generations of us girls!
My cousin Bri came to play--- we keep a clean house!
Getting ready to drink our milk!
We went to the park and played for awhile.
Here we are, just the two of us.
As part of Halloween, we went to Neewollah to visit Great Aunt Bev and family again this year.
My third cousin Nadia and I square off over my red balloon!!
Papa helped me find some candy on Halloween!
Nana helped me trick or treat!!
Woohoo!!! I love the aromas this candy is giving off!!!
Don't even think about taking my candy!!!!!
Posing for fall pics!
This pumpkin was so much fun to make: glitter and jewels!! I loved putting it all on!
Here I am trying on my Halloween costume-- I think it's quite funny!
At Celebration City for Nana's St. John's company picnic. Katja went with us-- we had so much fun!!
Here I am trying on Daddy's shoes--- too bad I didn't get them on the right feet!!