Gymnastics goblins!!! All the kids in my gymnastics class showed off their costumes today. I'm the chicken!!

At gymnastics, here I am on the "Big Pumpkin"-- Darrell is bouncing us on the trampoline!! I loved it!! I couldn't stop giggling!

Mom and I baking banana bread. I had to eat the top part of each banana!! I like to dump the ingredients in and stir it all up!

Dad and I before my bedtime. See how curly my hair is here? That's as curly as it gets!

Me on a beautiful fall day that I had a fever and couldn't go to the babysitter's. I wasn't too sick, though, and mom and I had a great day staying at home and having fun outside!

I love to smell the mums!!
Posing for fall pics!
This pumpkin was so much fun to make: glitter and jewels!! I loved putting it all on!
Here I am trying on my Halloween costume-- I think it's quite funny!

At Celebration City for Nana's St. John's company picnic. Katja went with us-- we had so much fun!!

Here I am trying on Daddy's shoes--- too bad I didn't get them on the right feet!!
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