I'm on the move, folks!!! I had fun putting on this baby headband, and I ran around the house in it!!

After getting my first hair cut--- I don't look too excited, but that's just because there was a camera in my face. I loved getting my hair cut at Cookie Cutters!!!

I picked out this pink car to sit in and I watched a Dora movie---loved it!!

Working on my letter recognition!!!

I like this look!!!

We watched The Wizard of Oz this night and ate popcorn, which I loved. I wasn't even scared during the movie!!

Not the best quality picture, but this is me on the stairs at my school on the first day of school. I LOVE UCCC!!! It's the best!! I started there during the ice storm while we were living with friends.... weird times, but it worked out great and I adjusted nicely!!

Papa Dillon came to help clean up the mess from the ice storm-- THANKS!!

During the ice storm, one of the friends we stayed with was Jenna. We loved playing together for several days!!

We had so much fun!!

Waiting for "my turn" on the computer!!!

Snuggle time!!

Some damage.....

Our poor truck.....

Poor backyard.....
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