Victoria, Kaylei, and Aubrey at the tailgate party before the MSU football game. Aubrey's new thing is the cheesy smile, which you will see frequently in the following pictures!!!

The girls standing in line to go down the big blow-up slide. I was surprised Aubrey went over there without Brian and I. She waited patiently RIGHT BEHIND the girl in front of her. (Guess I need to teach her about personal space!)

She climbed up the ladder all by herself. I was impressed at her ability to climb the steps and hold on to the straps on the walls.

Sliding all the way down!!!! She went down it 7 times in a rowj!

Aubrey wasn't too sure about Boomer bear......

She did NOT want to take a family picture!

Yes, I am getting a belly. Here I am putting a tatoo on Aubrey's face--the first time ever!

The results!!!

Cheesy smile plus gum!

Aubrey lovd sitting with Melody and eating all her ice cream!! She loved to stand up and clap during the fight song...shown here.... that's Brian's hand...and no, he's not hitting her!

Devouring Jeff's popcorn......

All the girls........

Aubrey didn't have accidents for several days in a row, so for a reward we made a strawberry cake together and had a "birthday party" for Dora and her friends. Kaylei and Victoria came over to celebrate!!! Victoria said, "Thank you Aubrey for not having accidents!"

Reading to her babies...

Big cheesy grin.... I had just taken her hair out of double buns and it looked kind of curly....

"Dressing up" this is her skirt.....a bandana!
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