Tuesday, June 20, 2006

18 months old and growing....

Going down the tornado slide with help.... if I don't have help, my shoe sometimes gets stuck and then I go head over heals, and mom and dad don't like that so much!

Now I can climb jungle gyms-- can you believe how long I am?!

Sliding with my mama!

Dad is too long for the tornado slide!!

I can climb the steps up to the slide.

I love to open the mail, every day I need my very own piece of mail to open.

Splish Splash I'm a takin' a bath.....

Swimmin' in the fountains with Aubrey M.

This is how I talk on the phone-- No, when the car is moving I am definately buckled up in my car seat-- we were just waiting while these pics were taken!!

Trying to make an escape to the backseat!!!

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